More than 10 years creating opportunities using corporate electronic and electrical waste

As an environmental consultant, we offer everything you need to meet your sustainability commitments and take advantage of your electronic and electrical waste.

We work across Spain from our treatment plants in Madrid and Galicia.

cumplimiento normativo, Recogida y gestión del residuo, Consultoría ambiental

We offer solutions based on values of sustainability:

One company, all the different types of waste

We make it easy. Working with Revertia, you’ll have control over the management of all your electronic waste (computer equipment, small electrical appliances, batteries…)

Do you need to manage other types of waste? Consult our integral management services.

Ensuring fast solutions

We act fast. We know that retaining some waste can generate costs, and the speed of our service can mean significant savings for your company.

Custom solutions

We adapt. We listen to you and solve all situations: small actions and big changes in your organisation.

No unnecessary issues

We respect your time. We ensure that waste collection is a stress-free process.

Our experience
covers a huge
range of sectors.

is a transversal

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    Revertia Reusing and Recycling S.L., con domicilio en Polígono Oceanis Nave 5.12 Cataboy – 36418 O Porriño, Pontevedra es el responsable del tratamiento de los datos personales contenidos en este formulario con el fin de atender su consulta. De igual forma, si estás interesado en permitir que Revertia/Reboots te envíe información sobre promociones, puedes dar tu consentimiento marcando la casilla reservada a tal efecto. Puede ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, restricción, cesión, oposición a través de la dirección [email protected]. Puede encontrar información más detallada sobre el procesamiento de datos personales en el documento política de privacidad.