Revertia Certifications

We follow all
regulations to be able to offer
the best solutions for the management
and treatment needs of your WEEE

(Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment)


At Revertia we have the environmental
certification that authorises us
to treat WEEE for subsequent
reuse according to Royal Decree 110/2015.

Quality, Environment and Information Security Policy.

Revertia is firmly and resolutely committed to sustainable development, offering the best quality in the services offered and assuming a commitment to be friendly to and protect the environment. We ensure all of this while also guaranteeing the security of the information by any means used. Bearing this in mind, we have implemented an Integrated System of Quality, Environment and Information Security based on the UNE-EN ISO 9001UNE-EN IS0 14001 and UNE-ISO/IEC 27001.

Quality, Environment and Information Security Policy

This quality, environment and information security policy is understood, implemented and updated across all parts of the organisation on behalf of the Management so that, with the effort and dedication of all of our staff, we can contribute to the sustainable development of our society.

In addition, our environmental commitment is demonstrated in the Environmental Information available on our integrated management system.

Commitment to our suppliers

In our work with suppliers, we have established a diverse range of commitments that guarantee the Quality, Environment and Information Security standards of our company. Commitments established for selection, monitoring and evaluation.

If at any time during this process an incident occurs, it will be communicated and taken into account in your approval as a supplier. Notice to Suppliers

And we can prove it:

At the end of the process,
we issue reports and
certificates that demonstrate
the correct treatment
of each of the types of waste.

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    Revertia Reusing and Recycling S.L., con domicilio en C / Pontevedra 1, planta 2, 36201 Vigo (Pontevedra) es el responsable del tratamiento de los datos personales contenidos en este formulario con el fin de atender su consulta. De igual forma, si estás interesado en permitir que Revertia/Reboots te envíe información sobre promociones, puedes dar tu consentimiento marcando la casilla reservada a tal efecto. Puede ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, restricción, cesión, oposición a través de la dirección Puede encontrar información más detallada sobre el procesamiento de datos personales en el documento política de privacidad.