Collection and management of WEEE

We are specialists
in treating WEEE

From waste to real resources

WEEE is Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment like computers, laptops, screens, smartphones, printers, hard drives…
whatever it is, we collect and treat it in compliance with all the pertaining regulations.

We turn the devices you want to
throw away into resources with a future

1- Hassle-free collection

2- Individual waste management

3 - Waste treatment

4 - Reports verifying the process

Hassle-free collection

  • We analyse and plan collections to avoid inconvenience to your business activities.
  • We box waste individually to retain the value of each device.
  • We transport hazardous and non-hazardous waste to our treatment plants in a way that is fully compliant.

Individual waste management

We are pioneers in this type of management. We treat each device with a view to harnessing its maximum value:

If necessary, we delete your digital information and certify that it has been deleted, ensuring that your organisation complies with Data Protection regulations.

We have 2 deletion options:

  • Maximum security deletion using software.
  • Physical destruction using demagnetisation.

We analyse the life cycle of WEEE management and calculate the positive environmental impact of our treatment.

These indicators are aligned with the UN 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Converting waste into new products using our treatment processes

We review each piece of waste using our auditing system to detect technical features and defects in order to decide on which of our 3 treatments to apply:

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If the device is useful and still has value, we give it a buyback value and pay for your scrap to reduce costs and improve the profitability of your organisation.

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If the device is not useful, but might still have value, we recondition it and return it to the market as a donation or sale.

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If the device is not useful, and it is not possible to extract value, we take it apart and use it as raw material to create new products.

Reports verifying the process

We certify the entire process to ensure you comply with the regulations.

In addition, we provide full documentation including the most relevant indicators of the life cycle, environmental impact and the volume of waste managed.

We prioritise quality and
innovation to improve our processes

Our certifications mean we can guarantee the best service that includes a clear commitment to sustainability. Quality, the environment and information security are key factors in our business strategy.

This is our Quality, environment and information security policy.

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    Revertia Reusing and Recycling S.L., con domicilio en Polígono Oceanis Nave 5.12 Cataboy – 36418 O Porriño, Pontevedra es el responsable del tratamiento de los datos personales contenidos en este formulario con el fin de atender su consulta. De igual forma, si estás interesado en permitir que Revertia/Reboots te envíe información sobre promociones, puedes dar tu consentimiento marcando la casilla reservada a tal efecto. Puede ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, restricción, cesión, oposición a través de la dirección [email protected]. Puede encontrar información más detallada sobre el procesamiento de datos personales en el documento política de privacidad.