Environmental consultancy

Do you need to strengthen the culture
of reuse and recycling
among your organisation's staff?

From doing to authentically being

Raising awareness of sustainability

We organise small WEEE collection campaigns in companies to promote environmental responsibility at all levels of the organisation.

We also fit personalised eco-points with your brand name so that all the people in your company can deposit the small devices that have stopped working or that they no longer use so that Revertia can give them a second life.

1. Training

Would you like your staff to be trained and updated in environmental management and waste management?

We perform all types of training activities to help promote and raise awareness of the value of giving a second life to electronic and electrical devices that might seem to have no further use. This is because we know they still have a lot of life left in them.

   Training for all staff teams and management


2. Communication

Do you want to promote your company’s corporate social responsibility?

We can help you achieve this internally and externally:

Public and internal awareness events

Public relations with media outlets

Sustainability reports

CSR support: Projects focused on reforestation

Participation in community projects

We are committed to quality and
innovation to improve our processes

Our certifications mean we can guarantee the best service that includes a clear commitment to sustainability. Quality, the environment and information security are key factors in our business strategy.

This is our Quality, environment and information security policy.

AENOR Seguridad informática

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    Revertia Reusing and Recycling S.L., con domicilio en Polígono Oceanis Nave 5.12 Cataboy – 36418 O Porriño, Pontevedra es el responsable del tratamiento de los datos personales contenidos en este formulario con el fin de atender su consulta. De igual forma, si estás interesado en permitir que Revertia/Reboots te envíe información sobre promociones, puedes dar tu consentimiento marcando la casilla reservada a tal efecto. Puede ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, restricción, cesión, oposición a través de la dirección [email protected]. Puede encontrar información más detallada sobre el procesamiento de datos personales en el documento política de privacidad.